Group Admins: How to invite a member
Congratulations on forming your group and thanks for wanting to expand it!
To add new members, you must visit your group page (while logged-in) and then click the Manage Group button in the left sidebar of your group's Profile Page. The next page displayed, Group Edit, offers two key options relevant to your group's membership.
You may enter a username in the "find a member" search box in case you want to confirm that someone is/is not already a member or to change a member's role in the group. See the Related Article on group member roles for more information on that subject.
Enter a username in this search box to locate a particular group member. - You may click the Invite Member link above and to the right of that search box to start the invitation process. Clicking that link will open a modal displaying another search tool, this one to find the individual user you wish to invite to join your group.

Some pointers to keep in mind with this step:
- Usernames are not case-sensitive, but they will be space-sensitive.
- The system will return a user only if there is an exact match, along with the user's avatar (default or custom) to help you confirm you have identified the correct one. Note the first pointer--spaces do matter.
- The system will NOT return a list of possible matches; there are simply too many of them. Thus if there is any ambiguity/confusion over a member's name, you might want to use the site's Search tool to find the correct spelling first.
- There is no method for issuing batch invitations.
If you have found the person you had in mind and want to proceed with issuing an invitation, then you must supply some welcome text, even if it's only one word. After entering a word in that field, click Send Invitation to start the process. This user will be sent an invitation to join your group at the email of record for their username. (The invitation acceptance process is described in the How to Join a Group resource.)
If the username returned on your search is NOT someone you had in mind to invite, then you can dismiss the modal to end the search process, or click on the New Search button to start over.
When the "new" group profile pages were implemented we posted two stories in August of 2020 to review changes in features for site users, group members, and group administrators. These are explained in context and linked through this Related Article dated that month.