Donating to Daily Kos (Includes ActBlue Contact Information)

We are grateful for your interest in making a financial contribution to Daily Kos.

We have three routes by which you can make a donation to the operation of the site and its related activism.

1) Please follow this link to contribute online. You should receive an email to confirm your contribution after making it. The email will be sent from ActBlue Receipts, though it will carry a donation number and it will name us as a recipient of your donation in the subject line and in the body of the message.

If you have ANY questions about your online contribution, we ask you to contact ActBlue directly. They have a Frequently Asked Questions page for Contributors, and they also can be emailed with specific questions. If you prefer to call them, their contact number is 617-517-7600, and their office hours are 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET M-F.

We find that ActBlue is very responsive to customer concerns. But if you don't get satisfaction there, please let us know right away.

2) If you prefer, you may also contribute using snail mail. Send a check to Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612. International donors are welcome to use this method, as donations from non-US citizens are generally not possible for us to process online.

3) A third way to support the site is through purchasing a subscription, either for yourself or as a gift. Subscriptions enable the recipient to view the site ad-free for a year. To purchase for yourself, log in (or create an account), and look for "Subscribe to hide ads" in the dropdown menu attached to the avatar circle in the upper right corner. 

To purchase for another user, look for a button on the user's page below their name or go directly to and type it in. You do not need to be logged in to send a gift. This is a standard credit card transaction and does not go through ActBlue. Our data shows that people who receive gifts participate at the site more, so it can be a terrific way to show your appreciation both for us and for a particular contributor. For more detailed information, please consult our Site Subscriptions FAQ.

Thank you again for offering your financial support for the mission of Daily Kos.

Please note the statement at the bottom of the donation page, which also applies to any donation made to us: "Contributions or gifts to ActBlue are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes."