Sharing Daily Kos Stories

Yes, absolutely, we appreciate it when our site readers and members share our stories. 

We offer several ways to share our content: through email, or via Bluesky, Facebook, or Twitter/X.

The secret to easy sharing is to use the tools within our share button. At the top of every story it's located right next to the Recommend button. It is not necessary to be logged-in to see or use the share button.

Representative timestamp on a Daily Kos story with a Recommend button allowing logged-in users to recommend a story and a share. button.
Presentation of the share button at the top of a story below the headline

Don't worry if you overlook it there. At the bottom of the story, it is displayed with a question.

Text from the foot of every Daily Kos story asks
Question at the foot of a story leads into an opportunity to recommend and/or share the story.

Clicking the Share button will open a menu of four sharing options:

Share button opens a menu with four options: Copy Link, Facebook, Bluesky, Twitter/X
Clicking the Share button reveals a menu of four built-in options

Clicking Copy Link puts the story URL in your browser's clipboard and display a notice that it is available there for easy pasting wherever you please.

Clicking the Bluesky, Facebook or Twitter/X options will generate a prompt for you to login to your account there, if you are not already logged in. If you are logged in, though, then you'll see a draft skeet/post/tweet displaying the story URL for you to review and edit before deciding whether to post it to the platform.

Thanks again for helping to get the word out about our great content.