Blue Wave postcard campaign actively seeks volunteers (10 Sept 2024)

People love writing postcards, no doubt about it. Blue Wave postcards are STILL available, if you're looking for some to write.

The Blue Wave postcard movement has already distributed 11 million postcard kits, each containing pre-printed postcards and address labels, to send to infrequent but blue-leaning voters. All you need to do is add a short, handwritten note (per a standard script) and supply stamps. Organizers hope to reach a stretch goal of 12 million before this election cycle is done. Their target states change weekly; order by Fri 9/13 to get addresses in PENNSYLVANIA, that swingiest of swing states. Shipping of kits to postcard writers contacting PA voters will begin the week of 9/16.

Sign up for Blue Wave postcards

Their website reports on completed campaigns, so check it out for some inspiration. As they say, #allgasnobrakes between now and Nov. 5!