Daily Kos supports the people of Ukraine

When Russia embarked on its brutal and unjustified attack on Ukraine, we realized that many people interested in offering humanitarian aid to Ukrainians would appreciate a vetted list of charities.

AmandaVT, one of our long-time staff members, investigated options and created a list under the auspices of ActBlue Charities. We began to promote these organizations through our email list and staff stories, and the community's initial response soon surpassed our projections. Her post from early March, 2022, profiles the featured organizations and publicizes the campaign.

The community has continued to donate generously via this direct link. We are now closing in on $3.7 MILLION U.S. dollars in contributions to these four important groups. Please note that the amount of a donation can be customized to apply to any or all of these organizations, and that a donation may be made on a one-time or a repeating basis. Since this list is housed within ActBlue Charities, international donors may also use this online portal.

Readers interested in our updates on the ever-evolving situation in Ukraine may be especially interested in following tags for #Ukraine or in reading posts on the subject by kos, Mark Sumner, and annieli, among others.