Volunteer with Vote Forward to write letters to increase voter turnout (28 August 2024)

Open: NOW     Date to mail letters: Tuesday October 1-Tuesday, October 29! 

Vote Forward is the most popular get-out-the-vote activity in Daily Kos history.

Our community first got involved writing letters to infrequent, but lean Democratic, voters in 2018. In October of that year, our community wrote 500,000 letters to help Democrats take back Congress. In 2020 and early 2021 when we won the White House and the Georgia Senate runoffs, Daily Kos activists stepped up and wrote 2 million letters to voters in battleground states. In 2022, Vote Forward reached their goal of sending10 million letters.

It can feel stressful following the news. With Vote Forward, you can spend a few hours of your time every week or every month writing to voters who we know will be crucial in November. You can write these letters on your own time, at your own pace, from the comfort of your home, and stockpile them for a delivery date close to the election. Best of all, writing these letters is statistically proven to increase voter turnout.

Each Vote Forward volunteer supplies their own stamps, paper, and envelopes. Vote Forward supplies the names and addresses of infrequent voters in swing states and districts, along with text for your message. Please note: This is a deliberately non-partisan message, since that has been shown to be a more effective approach.

Ready to get started?

Click to log in or sign up for your Vote Forward account, and start writing letters!