Postcards to Swing States reached their target! (26 Aug 2024)

STATUS: DONE! No new requests needed!

One of our most popular ways to get involved with elections in crucial states and make a real difference reactivated for 2024. And did we ever respond to the call!

Postcards to Swing States (P2SS) will soon update the project's status on their website. But as of last Saturday, this is the word:

Postcards to Swing States (progressive turnout project) announced via email on Aug 24, 2024:
Email to participants in the P2SS project to announce achievement of their target, 24 Aug 2024

The sponsoring organization, Progressive Turnout Project, announced this year's objectives at the beginning of May:

The initiative will organize more than 203,000 volunteers across all 50 states to handwrite more than 26 million postcards to inconsistent Democratic voters this fall–more than any other organization....

Postcards to Swing States will reach voters across at least 11 key presidential and Senate battleground states: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. Organizers will add 50 U.S. House and 75 state legislative battleground districts to the program later this year.

Anyone who is still eager to participate: Please keep an eye out for more options, including information about how to find and join a “postcard party” (virtual or in-person). Many of the 265,000+ volunteers who stepped forward to obtain postcards & addresses will be seeking help to get those 36 Million postcards written and ready to mail in October.

Fired up & ready to go! Let’s go win!